Privacy statement
Disclaimer Euroscaffold (part of Connecting B.V.)
Privacy statement
Personal data
By using our website and/or services, we can collect, use, publish and save your personal data. At Connecting we always handle your personal data with care. This privacy statement applies to all trademarks of Connecting as well as at our branches and in the showroom.
After providing us with your data, for example for:
- request for a quotation
- purchase in our webshop
- asking questions by phone/chat/other
- signing up for our newsletter
When you make use of our services
When you visit our showroom
When you visit our website
When you use our social media channels
When you request/create a web account
When you send an application
When you enter a contest or survey
Browser data
Device data
Duration of your website visit
Links you click on
Location data (based on IP address)
Connection details (based on IP address)
(Company) name
Email address
Residential and/or business address (street name and number, zip code and city)
Phone number
Financial data
Order information
Other data
Residential address
Date of birth
Work experience
Financial data
Id. at
Training records
Other data
Privacy statement
Privacy statement
Purpose of data processing
Privacy statement
Automatically collected data
Privacy statement
Retention periods
Privacy statement
Your rights
Right of inspection
Right to transferability
Right to object and other rights
As and when necessary, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by or on the instructions of Connecting BV. If you object, we will immediately halt the data processing in anticipation of the settlement of your objection. If your objection is well-founded, we will make the transcriptions and/or copies of the data that we (let) process available to you and will permanently halt the processing thereafter. Furthermore, you have the right not to be subject to computerised individual decision-making or profiling. We do not process your data in such a manner that this right applies. If you are of the opinion that this is indeed the case, please contact our contact person for privacy matters at
Privacy statement
Deleting cookies
In Chrome
Click on the three dots at the top right. Then go the Settings > Privacy and Security > Delete Browse Data. Ensure in any event that Cookies and other website and plug-in data is ticked as to be deleted. You can also indicate how old the cookies must be. Select here “all”.
In Microsoft Edge
Click on the three dots at the top right and go to History. Under Delete Browse Data, click the option Select what you wish to delete. Then select the cookies (pre-selected). Click the “delete” button.
In Firefox
Click on the three dashes at the top right on “options”. Go to Privacy and Security. Then click under Cookies website data on “Delete Data”. And now click on “delete”.
In Safari (MacOS)
Go to the menu bar at the top to Safari: Preferences. Select Privacy > Management website data > delete everything.
Privacy statement
Camera data
Privacy statement
Changes in privacy policy
Privacy statement
Privacy statement
Contact details
Connecting B.V. Noordervaartdijk 15
1561 PS Krommenie Nederland
T. (085) 273-5892 E.
+31 (0)75 622 37 84
Noordervaartdijk 15
1561 PS Krommenie
The Netherlands
© Copyright 2023 Euroscaffold – Privacy policy – website development: Peter Voets